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KNOCK DOWN SERVICE - SOFA DISASSEMBLY--(Disassemble and reassemble upholstered furniture)

Sofa Disassembly Boston!

Can't get that sofa you wanted THROUGH the DOOR or Up the narrow stairway?   Do you need to have your sofa disassembled?

Don't let your narrow doors or stairways choose your furniture for you.  We are one of the very few experienced upholsterers in all of New England who provide this unique service. Our experienced upholsterers and frame makers can take apart and reassemble fine upholstered furniture such as sofa's, loveseats, chairs.  We can reassemble your piece in any room you desire, restoring your furniture back to factory condition and beyond.  If you decide to relocate, no worries, this particular service can be done as many times as needed without hurting the structural integrity of your furniture.

We work directly with most Boston Brand Furniture stores and moving companies where we offer pick up at their store or warehouse!

If you are in Boston, Southern NH, or RI and need to take apart your sofa, your worries STOP HERE!
2 year warranty with this service.

You think impossible?

We think possible.

No sofa is too BIG.

No stairway is too small

We can take apart any upholstered piece, sofas, loveseats, chairs, head boards, and upholstered platform beds.

Knock Down

Knock Down

Knock Down

Knock Down

Disassembled sofa

Finished K/D

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Email us photos or any questions about taking your sofa apart.

or call 978-921-MELO (6356) or 617-776-6810



#sofadisassemblyboston #disassemblesofaboston #Nofitsofaboston #Sofadisassemblymassachusetts #couchdisassemblyboston #disassemblesofaboston #DisassemblesofaMassachusetts. #DisassemblecouchMassachusetts #Takeapartsofaboston

Sofa too big to fit?

We can disassemble

and reassemble your sofa!